Matthew 25:35-36 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

June 8, 2010 - Our GAP story of the week focuses on CSC mentoring.

Last summer, each time the GAP mentors visited the CSC, one of the residents, “James,” would politely say hello, and then disappear into the dorm.  This went on for perhaps two months – always the same; a polite hello and a smile, then the disappearing act.  He didn’t come to church or anything we were offering and didn’t seem interested in getting to know us.  

One evening, three GAP mentors were visiting at the CSC at the same time.  While sitting outside at a picnic table, James joined them, and started asking questions.  Not just any questions, but Alpha-type questions like, “Do you have to be baptized to be saved?”  And “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  Turns out that two of the mentors had been asked the same baptism question less than one week before this, and they were prepared with scripture and some answers (don’t you just love how God works?).  

James got his Bible, and the three mentors and James sat for at least 90 minutes, and basically had Alpha right there in the CSC courtyard.  Shortly after this, James was released from the CSC, went astray, ended up in jail and prison for a short time, and then came back to the CSC.  THIS time, he was ready to engage with GAP, and he not only began forming relationships, but also started coming to church and CA, and connecting with other Bridge disciples.  James started reading the Bible so avidly that he couldn’t put it down. He couldn’t wait to talk about it and ask questions.  He even started seeking counsel on life decisions from scripture and from his GAP mentors.  A few months ago, he took communion for the first time and went to the back altar to pray – for a LONG time.  His mentor asked him, “Did you just give your heart to Jesus?”  Through his tears, James said, “Yes.”  Don’t you just love how God works?!

If you are interested in becoming a mentor at the CSC, or in serving in another way in the GAP ministry – or just learning more about it – please call 518-1131 or e-mail  A GAP volunteer would be very happy to talk to you.